![[A]](a.gif) |
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![[Mike]](mike.jpg) |
Mike Quigley <a02632@giant.mindlink.net>
Keeper of the X-Files Corner, which
also hosts Pat's X-Files FAQ, of course.
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![[adhokk7@aol.com]](ad_sml.jpg) |
Adhokk7 <adhokk7@aol.com>
Also known as adhokk7 <caryrain@aol.com.mbc>
Go buy his book. No, not later. Now. I command you.
NRMTPB- Tyrant
-ad, Al's idol (I read it in atxf!)
-ad, hates noromos
-ad, thinks Skinner's a total crybaby pus now
-ad, no sense of proportion
-ad, <shrugs>
-ad, staying cool
-ad, right
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![[Hank]](hank.jpg) |
Hank <ahsv@ix.netcom.com>
Also known as Hank <ahsv@garbagephilipkdick.com>
Take a look at Hank's
The Micro-Mini Condensed Pocket-Sized X-File FAQ and
Who's Who in ATXF
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![[Archie]](na.gif) |
Archie <archcub@bu.edu>
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![[Beagle]](beagle.jpg) |
Beagle <astrea@sprint.ca>
W.A.S.T.E. and I.R.K.S.O.M.E. Scientist.
The ng has gone to hell since Beagle stopped posting.
Last seen on atxf (brief visit) on 17 Mar 1998 16:14:00 -0400
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![[Autumn]](na.gif) |
autumnt@aol.com (Autumn T)
Pretty damn good reviewer, who also knows everything. She just does.
Here is Autumn's Reviews archive.
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![[B]](b.gif) |
| |
![[bas]](na.gif) |
Ben Shimmin <bas@cybernexus.demon.co.uk>
Ben's Home Page has moved.
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![[bastblack]](na.gif) |
Bast Black <bastblack@aol.comusa>
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![[Brie]](ddboobs2_sml.jpg) |
Brie <bboutin@Stanford.EDU>
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![[Brian]](na.gif) |
~Brian~ <bbrassine@carolina.rr.nospam>
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![[Brian M]](na.gif) |
Brian Manning <bcm_308@yahoo.com>
| |
![[Lynn]](na.gif) |
Lynn Ditto <beckncall@email.com>
| |
![[BethLynn]](na.gif) |
BethLynn <bethlynn@aol.com>
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![[Binah]](na.gif) |
Binah <binah@pdq.net>
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![[Bonnie]](na.gif) |
Bonnie <bjm1352@aol.com>
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![[Brian S]](na.gif) |
Brian Shea <bshea@mybluelight.com>
| |
![[Barbara]](na.gif) |
Barbara Ruef <bjruef@unix.tamu.edu>
A newbie's best friend, and probably the most prolific phile out there.
The Energizer bunny doesn't have a chance next to Barbara.
The X-Files Mytharc and Newsgroup Information Resource is a starting point to a wealth of information and intelligent humor.
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![[C]](c.gif) |
![[Stacey]](na.gif) |
Stacey <Carterconn@aol.com>
The truth is at The Carter Connection
From: carterconn@aol.comxxxxxxxx (Carterconn)
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-files
Subject: The Carter Connection
NNTP-Posting-Host: ladder03.news.aol.com
X-Admin: news@aol.com
Date: 18 Dec 1998 05:31:55 GMT
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Message-ID: <19981218003155.04088.00000497@ng109.aol.com>
For anyone who doesnt know, Stacey, the runner of the Carter Connection, my
mother passed away on 12/17/98 at 10 25 AM. I dont know too much about news
groups or the Xfiles, i just know that my mother loved it, I guess you could
say it was her passion, and I just want to let all her friends know that I
appreciate all of her friends and fellow xfile lovers. she will be greatly
Stacey is sorely missed.
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![[Cathy]](na.gif) |
CatharinaK@aol.com (Cathy)
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![[Kimba]](na.gif) |
kimba <catinacanoe@rogers.com>
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![[Cindy]](na.gif) |
Cindy <cindyju@mail.utexas.edu>
Here's Cindy's X-Files Page
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![[coz]](ccoz.jpg) |
Chris 'Coz' Costello <coz@enteract.com>
"Pain in the a$$, my ass!"
Coz maintains his Signal to Noise Guide to The X-Files
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![[buffy]](na.gif) |
buffy <davidleoni@aol.com> (was: buffy <stubturn@acs.eku.edu>)
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![[D]](d.gif) |
| |
![[Osu]](na.gif) |
Osu <dawn@sgarden.demon.co.uk>
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![[Teddi]](na.gif) |
Teddi Litman <daybreaq@ix.netcom.com>
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![[drscully]](na.gif) |
drscully@mindspring.com (Cynthia Schmidt)
GAWS admin; the official Gillian Anderson web site.
Even better, this started as a fan site, then became official. Pretty cool.
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![[E]](e.gif) |
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![[Eliana]](na.gif) |
Mopsee~~ <elianaka@my-deja.com>
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![[Eileen]](na.gif) |
et_fan <et_fan@erasehotmail.com>
"A very very cool lady"
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![[F]](f.gif) |
![[Blaine, Physics Boy]](pb.jpg) |
W. Blaine Dowler <fiziko@bureau42.com>
The artist formerly known as Physics Boy <wdowler@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca>
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![[G]](g.gif) |
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![[Heidi]](na.gif) |
GeoRed <geored@aol.com>
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![[XXXXXXXXXXgizzieXXXXXXXXXX]](gizzie.gif) |
gizzie@ix.netcom.com (Coleen Sullivan-Baier)
The one and only. uh...also known as XXXXgizzieXXXX <xxgizziexx@attbi.com>
Picture: "wearing cool X-Files hat, drooling, and losing her marbles."
(That's the only one we have on record.)
And here's one of her poems:
Ruffinelli, he's my man
Kicks the trolls ass,
Feeds 'em SPAM
Doesn't need a Speedo red
stops 'em cold
plays with their heads
When you are done here, go see the COG Home Page.
| |
![[Paula Graves]](na.gif) |
GravesPA2 <gravespa2@aol.com>
Very scary site. |
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![[Michael]](na.gif) |
Michael Gosselin <gosselin@fas.harvard.edu> |
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![[H]](h.gif) |
| |
![[Adora]](na.gif) |
Adora <heather@ctaz.nospamcom>
Has no problem with Al.
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![[Alisoun]](ali_s.jpg) |
Alisoun <herbtieh@usa.net>
GABAL grrrrl, has a page at http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Bookstore/7840/
and we're somewhere in there.
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![[Heather]](na.gif) |
HeatherLyn <hlscotland@msn.com>
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![[I]](i.gif) |
| |
![[Circe]](na.gif) |
Circe <iamcirce@cox.net> (was: Circe <circex@mindspring.com>)
Used to be disgusted, now tries to be amused.
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![[Trish]](trish_sml.jpg) |
Trish Leon <intikilla@aol.com>
Also known as Intikilla <intikilla@aol.com.hello>
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![[Theresa]](theresa.jpg) |
Theresa L. Griffin <invisimirror@remove.this.worldnet.att.net>
![[J]](j.gif) |
![[Jose]](na.gif) |
Jose Bermudez <jbermude@staff.uiuc.edu>
"Si Se Puede!"
| |
![[Jen]](na.gif) |
"Jen" <jenniferm@ucr.campus.mci.net>
Also known as "Jen (is not a potato)" <jennasrin@earthlink.net>
Procrastination with Jen
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![[jerry]](na.gif) |
jerry <jerrynospamcanary@worldnet.att.net>
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![[Jewlz!]](na.gif) |
Jewlz! <jewlz@vnet.net>
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![[Nancy]](na.gif) |
Sister Nancy <jncotton@mindspring.com> (Nancy & Jim Cotton)
OBSSE Reverend Mother.
| |
![[Nick]](nick.jpg) |
"Nick Pedicini" <jnybny@postoffice.ptd.net>
NJP used to have scribblings online,
specially Scribbling on ATXF, Newbies and Other Phile Stuff,
but they disappeared.
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![[Tamarisk]](na.gif) |
Tamarisk <jtl5610@e-mail.dk>
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![[julianna]](na.gif) |
julsb@aol.com (Julsb)
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![[K]](k.gif) |
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![[K C]](na.gif) |
"Kathryn and Chad" <kbillin@cyberstate.infi.net>
![[KG]](na.gif) |
KGlover602 <kglover602@aol.com>
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![[Kipler]](na.gif) |
Kipler <kipler@aol.com>
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![[KatieMoo]](na.gif) |
"KatieMoo" <klongo@uclink.berkeley.edu>
Formerly/also known as Marita1121 (marita1121@aol.comkatie) and
Katie-hates-aol (marita1121@aol.comraaarrrr)
I don't know...this girl is a little too charming, you know? Levels like this just don't appear in nature. And that's too bad.
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![[L]](l.gif) |
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![[Konrad]](na.gif) |
Konrad Douglas Frye <NOkfryeSPaM@escape.ca>
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![[Laura]](na.gif) |
laura capozzola <lauracap@erols.com>
Fascinated by All Things Chris Carter.
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![[lynx]](na.gif) |
lynx mulderite <lynx46@erols.com>
Also known as lynx46 <lynx46@rcn.com>
High Priestess of the Mulder Maidens.
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![[M]](m.gif) |
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![[Connie]](na.gif) |
Connie Ogle (mako1@infi.net)
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![[Akakan]](na.gif) |
Akakan <marketp@ziplink.net>
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![[Meg]](meg.jpg) |
Meg <megadee@mindspring.com> (That Megadee Chick)
I guess even a ratboy deserves some affection. I found that out
at The Lair of the Rat.
It's a good thing Meg takes care of that, because rats get no
affection from me.
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![[Michele]](na.gif) |
Michele Jackson <mjackson4@earthlink.net>
Also known as Michele Jackson <michelejackson@prodigy.net>
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![[Mike]](na.gif) |
Michael Walsh <mp1walsh@adelphia.net>
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![[Sarah]](na.gif) |
Pretty damn good reviewer.
Season 1 reviews...
Season 2 reviews...
Season 3 reviews...
Season 4 reviews...
Season 6 reviews.
| |
![[Martha]](na.gif) |
Martha <mwlittle@mindspring.com>
"Specializing in lost causes: Frohike & John Shiban"
Key Holder of the FRINGE Room.
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![[myrke]](na.gif) |
Merna/Michael Anderson <myrke@ix.netcom.com>
Myrke's Tips are required reading at atxf.
| |
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![[N]](n.gif) |
| |
![[NBlack1]](na.gif) |
Nancy Black <NBlack1@prodigy.net>
(yet another atxf Nancy)
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![[O]](o.gif) |
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![[obsidian]](na.gif) |
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![[P]](p.gif) |
| |
![[Pat]](na.gif) |
pagonz0@pop.uky.edu (Pat Gonzales)
alt.tv.x-files FAQ maintainer.
| |
![[Marlene]](na.gif) |
Marlene Steinberg <Pippy@erols.com>
| |
![[Eric]](eric.jpg) |
Eric "No relation To Julia" Roberts
Eric NRTJ Roberts <prairiedog@sympatico.ca>
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![[Pam]](na.gif) |
pam <ptplists@nospammindspring.com>
Didn't bring Pringles.
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![[pyrephox18@aol.com]](na.gif) |
Pyrephox18 <pyrephox18@aol.com>
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![[Q]](q.gif) |
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![[R]](r.gif) |
| |
![[Rachael]](rachael.jpg) |
Rachael <rachael@top.net>
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![[Red]](na.gif) |
Red <Red@oscars.demon.co.uk>
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![[Kathy]](na.gif) |
Kathy <rfrank@aol.com> (RFRANK)
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![[Rufie]](na.gif) |
Ruth <rufie710@rcn.com>
| |
![[S]](s.gif) |
![[Sam]](sam_s.jpg) |
SamPiper <sampiper@aol.combc>
Got lost on the way to the "finale" party. Geez. But then she hosted another one, so it kinda balances out.
| |
![[Anna]](na.gif) |
Anna <santo.mantua@sympatico.ca>
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![[Sean]](sean.jpg) |
Sean Carroll <sean@phoenixat.com>
Scully's #1 fan. Seemed like a smart guy, until he claimed Mulder is not essential to the XF.
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![[Shann]](na.gif) |
shannon@scienceregistry.com |
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![[spookycc]](na.gif) |
spookycc@earthlink.net |
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![[Spookys]](na.gif) |
spookystoy@aol.com (SpookysToy)
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![[T]](t.gif) |
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![[T Block]](na.gif) |
T Block <tblock@voyager.net>
Also known as T Block <tblock8590@softhome.net>
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![[TNW7]](na.gif) |
TNW7 <tnw7@aol.com>
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![[U]](u.gif) |
![[Unbound I]](na.gif) |
Unbound I <unboundi@aol.com>
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![[V]](v.gif) |
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![[VerlindaH]](na.gif) |
verlindah@aol.com (VerlindaH)
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![[Leigh]](na.gif) |
Leigh Anne Vrabel <vrabel5634@mail.cc.duq.edu>
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![[W]](w.gif) |
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![[Jane]](na.gif) |
Jane <vze2jf77@mail.verizon.net>
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![[Sarabelle]](na.gif) |
Sarabelle <vze3w625@verizon.net>
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![[deb...]](na.gif) |
deb...or whatever <whatever@means.net>
If you are brave enough, check out the only official GABAL web site.
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![[Lars]](na.gif) |
Lars B <whomever@bigfoot.com>
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![[Fox's Vixen]](na.gif) |
Fox's Vixen <wwishart@mail.syd.auracom.com>
"one of Lynx's Mulder Maidens (Holder of the Sacred Ova)"
"I've never backed down from an ng argument, not even once, not even
when I've been indisputably wrong. :)"
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![[X]](x.gif) |
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![[Y]](y.gif) |
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![[Z]](z.gif) |
And then, there's this guy...
![[10' screen]](xf-10s.jpg) |
mox.fulder@fib.gob <alvaro@accesscom.com>
Watching the XF movie on a 10 ft. screen.