
Your Comments:


Al <contact@turning-pages.com>
Thursday, October 07, 1999 at 11:43:06 (PDT)

That's Occam.

Briz <bbrizendine@mindspring.com>
Sunday, October 03, 1999 at 12:37:38 (PDT)

I was looking for the spelling and the philosophy behind "akom's razor" - The most simple theory is the correct solution - something like that

Al <contact@turning-pages.com>
Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 15:35:34 (PDT)

"Eleanor Ann Arroway, born 25th August 1964 in DePere, Wisconsin."

Nope, I don't know how or who chose that.

It's Palmer Joss, not Johnson, so that's probably a coincidence.

Hope Karth <hkarth@usxchange.net>
Monday, July 12, 1999 at 14:21:33 (PDT)

I am curious if anyone knows the references of Ellie's home town of DePere, WI. How was this decided? Also, The name of Palmer Johnson intrigues me. Palmer Johnson is a ship building company in Northeastern WI near DePere, WI. Does anyone know the origin of these subtle details?

coco <cocomo7@hotmail.com>
Friday, June 25, 1999 at 13:56:04 (PDT)

I do love it.

Billy Occam <POE.OPE@bigsur.oceans11.net>
Wednesday, June 02, 1999 at 10:57:52 (PDT)

Reflexive proof is the retreat of the non-thinker. Declaring something to be self-evident is a dodge to avoid analysis.
"Self-evidence" does not explain why something is self-evident. Is it always self-evident, no matter who examines it, or how it is measured? (etc, etc)
One's own existence may be pretty self-evident to oneself-- but you all look pretty hallucinatory to me.

Shaman Lupus <garath@kurir.net>
Sunday, March 14, 1999 at 12:44:46 (PST)

I for one... really love the soundtrack of this wonderful movie. Is there anyone out there who knows an easy way of getting a hold of it? I would appreciate if you did, and I don't wanna use one of those tricky, hard-to-use web-book-stores like amazon.com or anything... Thanx!

Al <contact@turning-pages.com>
Thursday, March 04, 1999 at 23:02:15 (PST)

"As a person of faith, I'm bound by a different covenant than Dr. Arroway, but our goal is one and the same, the pursuit of truth. I, for one, believe her."

Sharmini <sharmini22@hotmail.com.au>
Sunday, February 28, 1999 at 05:31:56 (PST)

Can anyone please tell me what Palmer said to the crowd outside after Ellies discussion about the journey? Something about "But, I for one believe her."

Whygirl <y-gross@nwu.edu>
Thursday, January 14, 1999 at 12:55:11 (PST)

What I mean is the number 18 in hebre is translated into the word Life. So, did the author think of "18" hours or did someone who wrote the screenplay.

Al <contact@turning-pages.com>
Monday, January 11, 1999 at 19:54:14 (PST)

I'm still out here, but I don't understand the question. In the movie, she records about 18 hours of static, which tells Kits and Constantine that something really happened.

whygirl <y-gross@nwu.edu>
Monday, January 11, 1999 at 07:14:08 (PST)

If anybody is still out there...Where does the 18 hour time travel that Elly goes on, come from? Was it in the book? Or was it from the movie?


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