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Subject: new website...
Date: 23 Mar 1997 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesMy new website is "The Carter Connection!".
If you have a Carter related website that is not listed on my site, please
email me the title of your site and the url.thanks!
-2- (280352725) CC...
Date: 14 Oct 1997 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesHAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS CARTER!!!!!!!!!!
Stacey O
The Carter Connection / The Chris Carter Home Page
http://members.aol.com/carterconn/index.htmParanoia - It's A Good Thing!
-3- (317274693) CC...
Subject: Congrats
Date: 19 Jan 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesCongrats to Chris Carter & Co. - GG winner BEST Drama Series!
Stacey O
The Carter Connection / The Chris Carter Home Page
-4- (334172349) Stacey comes out from lurking!, CC fun...
Subject: Re: Chris Carter is Jerking Us Around!
Date: 15 Mar 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-files>HPZV75C@prodigy.com (Vin Lunney)
> Who the hell does Chris Carter think he isWhat do you mean who does CC think he is -- IT'S HIS
SHOW!!!!!!! and Chris Carter can jerk me around anytime he wants!Stacey O
The Carter Connection / The Chris Carter Home Page
http://members.aol.com/carterconn/index.htm----- Paranoia: It's a good thing! -----
-5- (33625591?) Expo/WUDEC...
Subject: Re: Been Lurking, Decided to Come Out of the Woodwork
Date: 21 Mar 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-files>The keeper of the Carter Connection spoke up:
That be me! (what gave me away? was it the addict part? ;)
>>Hi Sarah! My name is Stacey and I am a Chris Carter Addict!
>>> Can I get an "Amen?">>Amen!
>>StaceyJust gotta give one more AMEN!
>Stacey, the best thing (for me) about the official program for the Expo
>was the fact that there is a terrific picture of CC that I had never seen
>before in it! Not that I'm uh, *obsessed*, or anything...I do believe I have that pic in my little gallery! And I AM
>dull,thimble, always happy to discuss the Master Twinkler, and would
>LOVE to see him show up at one of the Expos!I am sending psychic vibes to get him to come to the Chi.Expo.
Stacey (who, in all reality, would probably just stand there,
dumbfounded, with her jaw hitting the floor - instead of ripping off his
clothes like she should be doing! ;)(Going back to concentrating now...............)
-6- (336455327) CC fun...
Subject: Re: Been Lurking, Decided to Come Out of the Woodwork
Date: 22 Mar 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-files>> >Hi Sarah! My name is Stacey and I am a Chris Carter Addict!
>> I had a dream about him last nite..... I have no idea why..... but it
>>consisted of me being his driver, shortly followed by his lover. It
>>must have been the Rolling Stone picture discussion that I was
>>having with Laura that inspired it.>> It was good, very, very good.
>> Heidi>Hey, back off goat-girl! Go look for The Grandfather and Peter. ;-D
>I, uh, thought you liked the child-like posed Duchovny from that
>photo...which I so willingly acceded to you. ;-DYeah, what Laura said!
(BTW, Who's The Grandfather and Peter - I have peculiar images of
peter and the wolf and a goat - and it is not pretty.......)Can everyone tell I have too much time on my hands tonight? I think
this is the most I have posted to the newsgroup in my life (I am usually
the professional lurker around here!!)Stacey
-7- (336524664) Expo/WUDEC...
Subject: Re: Been Lurking, Decided to Come Out of the Woodwork
Date: 22 Mar 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-files>Now, let me ask you fellow Carter fans - Don't you think some nice
>magazine editor should put Chris Carter on the cover ALONE to
>promote the XF movie?YES, YES andf YES!
>I mean, he really is a handsome man, and he is well-known
>and he's very talented. I was hoping to see his face plastered all over
>the magazine covers in anticipation of the movie. I mean who's his
>competition? Godzilla? And, no offense to you DD and GA fans but
>I've really seen enough of them on the magazine covers.Agreed.
>And in a related topic, I'm really concerned that CC hasn't signed up
>for the show yet. I can imagine he's tired. And I wouldn't want any
>person to be stifled creatively but I honestly can't imagine this show
>without him. Still...I do want him to be happy in whatever he chooses
>to do and whatever decision he makes I'd be supportive and continue
>to follow his future endeavors.I was just thinkin about that -Those Fox people better come up with
that Seinfield money, or there is going to be hell to pay!>> >>I am sending psychic vibes to get him to come to the Chi.Expo.
Still goin.........
>Well, if he was the ONLY guest to come to DC, I'd be thrilled.
I think I'd be payin you a visit!
Stacey (do you think my mental telepathy is working..... Right now, I
am picturing CC sitting there eating his breakfast saying to himself...
hmmm.... Chicago sounds like a great place to visit....... I think I need
a few days off work.... I can surprise everyone.... - SLAP - Snap out
of Stacey! - Sorry, I got lost in the moment......)
-8- (336925347) Expo/WUDEC...
Subject: Re: No More Flame Wars!!!!
Date: 23 Mar 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-files>Carterconn wrote:
>> >Ruth , who wants to know what WUDEC stands for and will pay
>> >to find out.(but don't tell me to come to Chicago, kids,' cause I
>> >can't)>> LOL! A bribe, I hadn't thought of that! But if it works let me >> know so I can find out what it means too!
>> Hey Deb and all who know - you guys take bribes? :)
deb wrote:
>Acceptable bribes:
>Appearances at WUDEC by; Braidwood, Pileggi, Williams,
>and Haglund.
>Appearances at the eXpo and WUDEC by; Darin Morgan,
>Chris Carter and Nick Lea.>I'll take the bribes all right. But you'll find out
>what WUDEC means when the others do. ;-)Ugh! Can't blame me for tryin!
Ok, how about --WUDEC =
We are Under Deb's influence at the Expo in ChicagoAt least that's what I am going to tell them if we get arrested for
anything indecent! j/k :)
-9- (337430387) General fun...
Subject: Re: Hefalumps (Was: Re: Bees Simpsons and Pooh)
Date: 25 Mar 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesLynX wrote:
>Carterconn wrote:
>> >Carterconnwrote:
>> >: Linda wrote:>> >:>Hmm, honey...bees...bears eat honey...hundred acre
>> >:>wood...animals like foxes live in woods...fox...
>> >:>Fox Mulder...Mulder attended Oxford...Oxford is in
>> >:>England...Canada was a territory of England...the original
>> >:>"Pooh" was from Winnepeg...the bee farm was in
>> >:>Canada... ummm
>> >:>lindar>> >: See! It's all coming together now!
>> >: Stacey>> >Hey - Remember when Pooh and Piglet moved Eeyore's house
>> >from one part of the wood to another, thinking the original house
>> >was just a bunch of sticks, and wanting to do a favor by building
>> >the donkey a house, so they took the sticks and re-put them
>> >together somewhere else...Well, that could be linked in w/
>> >the whole alien thing about colonizing the earth; the earth is like the
>> >second house Piglet and Pooh built, Piglet and Pooh are like the
>> >aliens and the consortium.>> >well, it seemed ok when i thought of it
>> >lindar>> See, now your gettin the hang of it! Although, I am starting to
>> believe tigger is behind it all - you know, how he always likes to
>> cause a ruckus! But, hey, it's a mickey mouse world out there and
>> who knows maybe it is Piglet and Pooh after all.>> Stacey (just amusin myself today ;)
>And the Hefalumps are the GREYS! Yet another government
>"I don't wanna wrestle"
>Goo Bee Goo Bee Do (new mytharc tag-line)Goo Bee Goo Bee Do and tigger too!
Stacey ( I'm just crackin myself up today :D )
-10- (337409096) Stacey's favorite XF lines...
Subject: Re: On topic X/F fun!
Date: 25 Mar 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesOooh! Oooh! Oooh! (as in Horshack)
As Chinga doll said: Let's have fun!
I want to play!Since Tom took some of "my" favorites......
Mulder referring to the 10 commandments: Just number 4, the one
about obeying the Sabbath. The part where God made heaven and
earth but didn't bother to tell anybody about his side projects?
(Anasazi)Mulder: And that's why they put the I in FBI. (Pilot)
Mulder: not in this zip code. (Pilot)
Scully: I'm driving. Why do you always have to drive? Because you're
the guy? Because you're the big, macho man? (Syzygy)Scully: Sure fine whatever. (Syzygy)
Yeah, that's a bleepin' dead alien body if I ever bleepin' saw one. (JC)
Mulder: Please tell me you're here with severe chest pains. (R2)
Scully: Mulder, it's me. (numerous)
Mulder: Hell, maybe you don't know what you're looking for.
Scully: Like evidence of conjuring or the black arts or... shamanism,
divination, Wicca or any kind of pagan or neo-pagan practice. Charms, cards, familiars, blood stones or hex signs or any of the
ritual tableau associated with the occult, sensory, abudan, mukamba or
any kind of high or low magic.Mulder: Scully?
Scully: Yes?
Mulder: Marry me!
Scully: I was hoping for something a little more helpful. (Chinga)
I better quit now before I fill up the entire ng with these ;)
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This website was done by: Emile St.Claire, Nancy Black, and deb...
In memory of Stacey
web site comments to stacey_carterconn@yahoo.com