- frequently asked questions - * Why this layout? [layout]
* Why the bees and link colors? [design - background and icons]
* How do I contact an author or the website designer?
* How do I find...?
* What are the numbers in parantheses for? (10131121) [AN#s]
* Legal mumbo-jumbo.
* Why Stacey out of all of the people on alt.tv.x-files?
Design - Background and icons:
Like the Bees? *g* So do I, and I made this version especially for this site, so hands off unless you're doing a Stacey - Carterconn Memorial web site. I think she'd get a giggle out of it. I tried like anything to come up with a background that would reflect Stacey as an individual. Then I realized I didn't know her as well as I would have liked to. The only thing I could come up with is tequila, limes, salt, and ... well, Chris Carter, the X-Files and Millennium.
White was chosen because the bees just don't show up well on a black background, and I think it blends a little better to have the border and main page be the same color.
The link colors are chosen because they look nicer than the standard blue/purple colors. Especially with the flags.
Design - Font style and size:
Normal variable and regular respectively. These tired old eyes like a bigger print, with the legal stuff in smaller '-1' print. That way, more people can read it without it looking like gibberish. With that in mind, the fluffy icons, twirlys, and extra crap are kept to a minimum. This place is a slacker heaven - quick download, get what you need, and get on out. And if you want to waste some time and wander around, you can do that, too.Layout:
Hopefully, this will be easier to navigate as time goes on. The front index will take you to the breakdown of minor indexes before you get to the actual posts. For now, it'll just be the bookmarked Deja News posts, both Stacey's and what others have said about her. I've tried to keep it in the same format that Deja News has by threading where possible. Eventually, I plan on combining posts along the lines of what I did for the GABAL pages.Legal:
All posts are taken from Deja News, a public archive of public posts. Usenet is considered a public domain, and therefore usable without author's permission.Contact an author:
If you want to contact an author of any particular piece of work, you'll have to go through Deja News and find it yourself. I'm not a forwarding service, sorry. (Your best bet is to go to the actual bookmark and click on 'email author', by the way.) Otherwise, our email addy should be on the bottom of every page on here, with a pre-made header to tell us which page you were on when the question or comment occured. Please use it, that's what it's there for. :-)How do I find ...?:
Good luck! And that's the best I can offer. If you're looking through here the first time, why don't you browse through the various sections? If you know the approximate date, try looking under the by Date section. Or if you know the name of the post, try by Subject. Eventually this will be cross-referenced, but please bare with us while we sift and sort things for you.What are the numbers in paranthesis for? (10131121)
Those are the Deja News AN numbers. If you click know their system, that's all the information you need. But we made it easy for you. Just click on it, and it'll take you to the Deja News post. The other numbers you see is just for referencing purposes. Eventually, they'll be taken out and all you'll see are the AN numbers.Anything else? If you see a broken link, problem or something else that you'd like to know, please use the link on the bottom of every page that will say "website comments to: ...". It should have a pre-made subject header that will tell us what page you were on at the time. Just let us know what you saw, or the question that you have.
The Stacey-Carterconn Memorial Website Team
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This website was done by: Stacey-Carterconn Memorial WebsiteTeam
In memory of Stacey
web site comments to stacey_carterconn@yahoo.com