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Subject: Re: see Fox smoke
Date: 03 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesBethLynn wrote:
>Stacey put forth:>>Let me put it this way - My next husband will be normal.
>Ugh. You were married to _him_ too?
>BethLynn (still tryin' to out-sprint the 'ex')I don't know, was yours named LOSER too?
-22- (341593330) Expo/WUDEC...
Subject: Re: That WUDEC Thing
Date: 07 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesHeidi wrote:
>carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn) writes:>>Hmmmmmm. I thought men were maggots.
>We suck men who are maggots??
Didn't you get Deb's new rules?
(j/k - I was thinkin men were maggots, now I'm thinkin men suck
maggots - except for CC. Oh....... and you too Coz ;)
-23- (343349742) Slacker extraordinaire...
Subject: Re: Going nutty--What do you do every day?
Date: 12 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-files>"heather"
>What do you do for a living?
>How did you get there?
> Do you love your life?
Yes. There is nothin in the world like bein a slacker!
> I would really enjoy hearing about your job/career. Please forgive
> me if this sounds a little bit nutty!! Thanks in advance!!Stacey
-24- (343463792) CC fun...
Subject: Re: 38 Days
Date: 13 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesNancy Black
>Carterconn wrote:
>> Nancy Blackwrote: >> >Yeah, but if CC is there, I'm willing to bet it will take only one
>> >twinkle from his eyes and your cool classy dignified manner will go
>> >right out the window. You'll be drooling, yes you will. ;-)
>> >Nancy (yet another atxf Nancy)
>> >CC in DC for Laura, even if I have to go to LA and drag him
>> >there myself>> Well, if your draggin him there anyway, can ya make a pit stop in
>> Chicago!
>> Stacey O>I would've stopped in Chicago for you, but it seems CC is now going
>to DC willingly, so I won't be doing any dragging. And I was so
>looking forward to handcuffing him for the trip. ;-)>Nancy (yet another atxf Nancy)
>imagining just what Laura and Stacey would do with CC and a pair of
>handcuffs :-)Well Nancy, all I have to say is ------
CC, handcuffs and me ...... It's a good thing!
Stacey O
-25- (344380351) Expo/WUDEC...
Subject: Re: expo - chicago
Date: 15 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesgizzie@ix.netcom.com(Coleen Sullivan-Baier) wrote:
>"Enrico Ng"writes: >>has anyone been to an X-Files Expo?
>>I live in Chicago and dont know if i should go.> You should not only go, you should come to WUDEC. We will
>not hurt you...much.....Gizzie, do we tell the new recruits about the farm animals or do ya think
that'll scare em off? ;)Stacey O
yeah, I suck too
-26- (343103327) General fun...
Subject: Re: Next episode don't look...
Date: 11 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-files>"K. Chu"
>>Carterconn wrote:
>>"Brian Tee">>>Whats going to happen in the next few episodes?
>>Well, CSM dies again. Don't worry he will be resurrected for the
>>movie. X comes back only to find that the true love in his life
>>Krycek has declared his love for Mulder.> I beg to differ. Mulder is X's true love/obsession. Observe how he
> declared so possessively "No one touches this man." over
> naked!Mulder in US. And see how he hauled Mulder's ass from the
> exploding train in Nisei. So, should he ever find out, Krycek would
> be very jealous of the man whose shoes he's trying to fill with his stint
> as a Mulder informant in tRatB.> Really, I am not kidding. ;-)
Well you could be right! This is the X-Files afterall. I guess I should
have said my information was given to me by my "contacts" who could
be feeding me "false" information in an effort to help the disinformation
campaign.Stacey O
(BTW - those who wish to know who "my" contacts are - they r those
little green men in my head that keep saying... Tequila...... It's a good
-27- (345841025) Expo/WUDEC...
Subject: Re: Chicago eXpo/WUDEC Impressions
Date: 20 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesmwlittle@mindspring.com (Martha Little) wrote:
>I'm exhausted, probably still hung over, and they say that I haven't
>stopped smiling since yesterday. And they're right.Exhausted isn't the word - I think I am dead!
>WUDEC Observations:
It's true - Gizzie had peeps coming out of her ears!
>2. Prize for the neatest participant: Coz.
And I won't even comment on what Deb did to him!
>4. How much is *too* much tequila? I don't know. I stopped at
>five shots. Which was just about right.I really don't think you can ever have "too" much Tequila!
Tequila...... It's a good thing!
>5. Stacey/CarterConn is also cool. But her non-phile friend Joanne is
>great.Thanks ;) and I thought after jammin tequila and limes down
everybody's throats I'd be blackballed! ;)>I'm going to have to sort through all this when I've had some sleep.
Stacey O
-28- (346195816) Expo/WUDEC...
Subject: Re: WUDEC - I made Mitch Blush!
Date: 21 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filescindyju@mail.utexas.edu wrote:
>GeoRed wrote:>> On another note, should we tell them how we had Coz blushing?
>Stop! You WUDEC people are such teases! Don't tease us so
>much!!!! Just tell us the stories...there is no need to ask whatsoever!Ok I am not a tease so I'll tell ya everything I know... er, uh,
remember........Tequila. Preying mantis's. Tequila. Boxers AND Briefs. Tequila.
Tight pants. Tequila. Somethin about Coz and eggs. Tequila. What
do you mean you don't want salt with that? Tequila. Bloopers.
Tequila. MP & DD and a desk. Tequila. Deb's trick bag. Tequila.
The poor nonsmoker who had to put up with my chain smoking and
non stop babble. (Isn't that terrible, the person I talked to the most and
I can't even remember her name - sorry I think it has something to do
with tequila). Coz blushed. Tequila. Lime anyone? Tequila. The
X-Files. Tequila. The Expo. Tequila. Someone somewhere
somehow sucked. Oh yeah and did I mention tequila?Stacey O (sorry just crackin myself up again ;)
-29- (347704823) Her musical taste...
Subject: OT - was [Re: DD to Host Saturday Night Live on
May 9th!!!!!]
Date: 26 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesKNOWLES CRAIG BRADLEY
that I wrote:>> Zeppelin is on the top of my list as my
>> favorite group of all time (and as if anybody cares Elvis is my #1
>> single performer).> Are you serious? Strange enough, but I'm Zep #1, Elvis #2!!
> I am in an Elvis Tribute band too, if you're interested. Check us out
>on the web: (non-comercial, clean site :) )> http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Stage/2969
WOW! That is really wierd! I thought I was kind of alone in my tastes
(Zeppelin/Elvis) - usually it's one or the other that people like - not
both!Checked out the website - the bodyguards(the memphis mafia) are a
nice touch! Oh and let's not get too off topic of the XF --- and I'll
quote --- "If you can imagine a hybrid of Elvis Presley and Led
Zeppelin, you might be close" - Sounds like an XF ;)>Anyway, I missed Page and Plant last time through, so this time I'm
>going all out. Got tickets to Cleveland, Pittsburg, Toronto and the
>Zep convention in Cleveland!!Independently wealthy? Damn, if I could - I'd be a ZepHead too!
Just followin them around. ;) Them and I'd like to follow Chris Carter
around as well. ;)Stacey O
-30- (348112022) The ex...
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye "Satan Sight"
Date: 27 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-fileslindat5@austin360.com wrote:
> My religion doesn't believe in "Satan"
I think that I really need to introduce you to my ex-husband! ;)
Stacey O
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This website was done by: Emile St.Claire, Nancy Black, and deb...
In memory of Stacey
web site comments to stacey_carterconn@yahoo.com