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-31- (348150051) Heaven...
Subject: Re: All Souls - comments (SPOILERS)
Date: 27 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-files"Michael P. Walsh"
>Tater wrote:>> I was pretty impressed with some of the visual symbolism in this
>> EP. I'll have to watch it several more times, but on the first go
>> round I noticed two.In the police station while M and S are
>> conversing, there is an inverted cross over S's right shoulder. And
>> when the third girl was "killed" and M found her he looked up and
>> there was the bright sky with a bird (dove, maybe) flying out
>> through the ceiling. Any thoughts?
>> Tater>I lean toward the stray pigeon theory.
>The bird was just an accident which was there
>to mislead us all and nothing to do with the
>supernatural characters.I took it as it was supposed to be there. Isn't there a story that dove's
or whatever carry souls to heaven?Stacey O
-32- (348276217) Trolls...
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye: Horrible, terrible, evil, bad episode
Date: 28 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesOur bible bangin lovinjezus@aol.com (LovinJezus) pal wrote:
>If you like the "interesting idea" of promoting murdering one's
>parents!!! There was NOTHING to reccomend this evil episode.
>Bad acting, bad writing, bad directing -- bad message to children!!!!>Nancine.
I think you need to go get a joint, get laid, sit back and chill.
Oh... And a bottle of Tequila wouldn't hurt either ;)
Stacey O
-33- (349387567) Words of wisdom...
Subject: Re: T‚a Leoni Strikes Back
Date: 01 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-files"NJP"
wrote: >There is a short article posted today to the Mr. Showbiz site
>in which Mrs. Duchovny expresses her pain at some of things being
>said about her in places like this newgroup. If you can't stand the
>heat, kiddo, stay out of the red speedo.......I've said it before and I will say it again -- Can anyone who is Tea
bashing honestly say anything "bad" she has done to deserve the
treatment she has received? I'm betting no, they can't. I have seen
some pretty nasty stuff about her that DD fans have said about her -
none of it justified. My feeling on it is that hey, she's a human being
too. People seem to think that the "stars" are not human and therefore
lack human feelings. How would you like to marry some guy and be
bashed about just because you married him - it's ridiculous! I'm not
saying everyone should love her yadayadayada BUT to attack her with
no good reason is just plain ignorance. I don't blame her one bit for
being upset. And if I were DD, I would be really pissed at my so
called fans.Stacey O
-34- (349599829) Stacey on religion...
Subject: Re: Why discuss religion?
Date: 02 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesinvalid@homo-sapiens.org (Brian Mueller) wrote:
>Carterconn wrote:>>Brian, where are you getting this stuff. Theology is the study of
>>religious doctrine.>theology is the study of God.
I do believe theology has more to do with than just "the study of God."
>however you are proving my point.
I did however like your one statement (if I am understanding it
correctly)..........>Let's say there's a white light in a room, and a several people are
>looking at it through colored glasses. Everyone's glasses have a
>different color. But they're all seeing the same light.If what you are saying is that every religion is correct in what they
believe, then I'm with you on this one. If not, here's something I'll
throw into the conversation. I myself am Catholic, but due to a mixed
backround. with my mother being Jewish, I tend to believe that
everybody is right and love the "idea" that no one is wrong in their
beliefs (well..... I'll be honest - with a few exceptions - for example the
ones who are fanatical and do bad things in the name of religion - I
believe they are wrong.)Stacey O
-35- (350170686) CC fun...
Subject: Re: T‚a Leoni Strikes Back
Date: 04 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesmiri@prismnet.com (Miri) wrote:
>>>In the middle of my rant, I said:
>>>>constantly screwed by CC...
>>>carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn) followed with::
>I WON"T even touch that one ;)
> And (GeoRed) said:
>>Touch it.....you know you want to. ;-)
>I'm with Heidi...go for it. Make him...stand up and notice you and
>your...site. ;)>alters
>bethIt's not my site I want him to notice ;)
Okay I will stop now ;) But then again, I am not know for letting things
go. ;)How bout this.......
Chris Carter - if you are out there - I insist that you do a cameo again -
this time a steam bath or maybe even a shower scene. ;)Hehehe. I'm bad. ;)
Stacey O (now praying he still doesn't have time to go on the internet,
but just in case..... Be sure you are naked - you owe it to us - the fans
-36- (350357060) Trolls...
Subject: Re: Now wait a minute... & A side note to Deb ;)
Date: 05 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesjon.osborn@eudoramail.com (Jon Osborn) wrote:
>On 03 May 1998, Carterconn wrote:>> jon.osborn@eudoramail.com (Jon Osborn) wrote:
>>his usual crap and more.JO.
Stacey O
-37- (350559475) Words of wisdom...
Subject: Re: Another newbie shot down
Date: 05 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filescoolcat350@aol.com (Coolcat350) wrote:
>I absolutely, positively swore I would never, ever get involved in a
>flame war, but I have to say this: You can read the FAQ until your
>eyeballs fall out, and you still won't know why there is an X on the
>window, or various other questions *about the plot of the show.*
>And how is wondering why the X is there a stupid question? Because
>you already know?Here's my thing and I am not singling you out, you just happened to be
the last post I showed in the thread and this is just my general feeling
on the matter.......I myself don't mind answering questions if I think they are legit. If I
answer a question I try to point the poster in the direction of the
information. BUT - I can certainly understand why many people on
this NG are sick of being asked the same questions over and over and
I can certainly see the point in FAQ's for this very reason.If you read any of the following you will get the answer. All of these are
posted frequently here and will give pointers, links, etc. on the NG.Al's mini FAQ points you to the FAQ and Al even offers to mail it to
you if you do not have web access.The Newbie Survival Kit points you to the FAQ.
Hanks Micro-Mini FAQ answers the question as well.
Basically what I am saying is that it is in the FAQ. Appearantly some
just aren't reading and one should read before posting.I will say that I find it quite unbelievable when a poster claims not to
know the answer to this particular question. I mean I am not the
"quickest" person in the world, but I even got it. ;)Stacey O
-38- (351962528) Her father...
Subject: Re: NY Expo handicap faker?
Date: 10 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesdsdiva@aol.com (DSDiva) wrote:
>>>>Did anyone else notice the jerk in the wheelchair in the front
>>>>center aisle during Gillian's session? He STOOD UP several
>>>>times. In fact -- he was one of the contestants in one of the trivia
>>>>games. The entire audience saw him walk onto the stage!!!>>>There are lots of reasons to be in a wheelchair and being able to
>>>get up and move around somewhat ISN'T an indication that this
>>>person was pulling a fast one.>>>Unless you know this man's medical history, you don't deserve to
>>>call him a "jerk">>This is America--she may call him whatever she likes. And you may
>>object to it. Is this a great country, or what?>>Tara-----Super!Bitch-----HotFudgeSundae
>I feel I have to put my 2 cents in here. I also saw him , and he was
>clearly faking. He walked around a lot all day, and even parked his
>wheelchair right in >front of someone who was obviously
>handicapped. People were really doing anything they could to get
>right up near the stage, and the security didn't really stop them as
>much as they should have. It was frustrating all around, but worth the
>angst IMHO.Of course, I wasn't there :( but I am going to comment anyway. He
could have been faking, but it's hard to say. My father was supposed
to be wheel chair bound, but he could pretty much move around and
stuff. He had cancer and if he exerted (sp?) himself to much he would
pass out. So while we brought the wheel chair when we went places,
he liked to move around as much as he could (you know, I am
independent type of thing ;) Here's a kind of funny story.... I
remember he wasn't supposed to drive either and we had just got the
handicap parking thing. He insisted on driving. We stopped by where
my parents ran their business (where my mom was at the time) My
father, in his perverted sence of humor, said watch this! and proceeded
to drive on the lawn right up to the front door. The employees thought
he was going to drive right thru the building. When my mom came out
screaming at both him and me what the hell are you doing we were
keeled over in laughter. Afterall, he did have the handicap parking
right. ;)Stacey O
-39- (352592354) CC fun...
Subject: Re: NYC eXpo Sunday: Hits, Misses & Stuck in Neutral....
Date: 12 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesNancy Black
wrote: >And about CC, I guess I'll have to get the handcuffs and a ticket to
>LA, after all. So he thinks an ear infection will keep him from going to
>DC? Hah! I'll just stick him in a boxcar on an eastbound train. (I can
>see it now -- how did CC escape from the boxcar? :) )Chris Carter.......
Somebody stop me! ;)
Stacey O (running to the train station......)
----News Bulletin----
Sorry folks Chris Carter will not be making it to DC. as promised by
Nancy. Word has it that while in the process of his abduction to DC,
the boxcar was derailed somewhere near Chicago. Some say it was
an alien abduction. Some blame CSM. But the truth of the matter is
we just don't know. The biggest clue we have is that a fellow ATXFer
has not been heard from...............................
-40- (352910693) Writers' seminar...
Subject: Re: FS Transcript: NY EXPO Saturday
Date: 13 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesLaura wrote:
>Thanks a bunch for doing this. You made my day. Put me down on
>that list as a person who would love a touring writer's EXPO.
>Maybe we could convince FOX that we'd like one EXPO just for the
>writers. If given enough advanced warning of it (like at least 6
>months) maybe we could get ATXFers to come from all over for it.>Given enough warning, so you could save up for the travel expense,
>how many of you would like something like that?ME!
> I'm thinking of an all-day seminar-like environment in a hotel.
How about ALL weekend. A weekend with the writers! ;)
>Think we could persuade them to do this if enough of us were
>interested? I'm thinking more like next year.I don't know? Does that kind of thing work? If so - I'm all for it!
Stacey O
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This website was done by: Emile St.Claire, Nancy Black, and deb...
In memory of Stacey
web site comments to stacey_carterconn@yahoo.com