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-51- (364897187) General fun...
Subject: Re: X-Files Movie -- a good story that doesn't translate well
Date: 22 Jun 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesahsv@GARBAGE.ix.netcom.com (Hank) wrote:
>Rumor has it that Carterconn put forth the following:
>>ahsv@GARBAGE.ix.netcom.com (Hank) wrote:
>>>Rumor has it that Carterconn put forth the following:
>>>>phenomwrote: >>>>>My question is, and no I haven't seen the film, with all
>>>>>these questions answered when will the show end?>>>>When I say it can.
>>>No, you forget that *I* have final say.
>>>Okay then.
>>CMon Hank! Laura said that "I" was the Fox honcho!
>>Well, she did.
>*Laura* said????
>This is my motto:
>"Never trust someone whose feet can't reach the pedals in a car.">I rest my case.
Just remember who was able to provide you with the top secret
Carsons phone number Hank and let's not forget about the Stacey
conspiracy.Oh allright, tell ya what - you have your ppl contact my ppl.
Here is the official announcement folks - it don't end until Hank and I
say so.Stacey O
-52- (365201550) Flags...
Subject: Re: To All New Posters
Date: 23 Jun 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filestarac@erols.com (Tara Charnow) wrote:
>This is what we do here. It's who we ARE. Like it or LEAVE.
Hey and no one best not be pickin on my man! ;)
Stacey O looking for the flag.....
oh gosh Tara, sorry, I think I stuck it up someones ass ;D
-53- (365545761) General fun... (*although I found this one funny at first, the more I thought about it, the more I'm afraid it might be tasteless to include, considering how she went.)Subject: Re: BIG SCREW UP IN THE X-FILES MOVIE?????
Date: 24 Jun 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filestarac@erols.com (Tara Charnow) wrote:
>sardonyx@parrett.net (Sarah E. Aalderink) wrote:
>>carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn) wrote:>>>The Three B's
said some very
>>>nasty stuff about CC.>>>You will be leaving soon won't you?
>>>Stacey O who is now going to pick up the pieces from her
>>>head that just exploded>>Here, dear...
It's Tara's special
>>mix, Super!Bitch glue! ;-) Now you can bitch to your heart's
>>content and your head won't explode. ;-D>I came up with the formula after the All Souls theological
>debate/debacle. ;-DWell I must say it works very well, you would never be able to
tell that my head had exploded. ;DStacey O
-54- (366452694) Flags...
Subject: Re: X-Files Movie -- a good story that doesn't translate well
Date: 26 Jun 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filestarac@erols.com (Tara Charnow) wrote:
>bethlynn@aol.com (BethLynn) wrote:
>>Tara writes:>
>>>EB might be confused with someone's Estrogen Brigade or
>>>something. FEB is a little better. Plus, we've already made
>>>up the flag. ;-D>>
I feel like I'm wearing a bustle.
>>FEB>It looks nice on you. Very flattering. ;-D
>>Where's the flag? Stacy? Did you get it back yet? ;-D
hehehehehe! Now you didn't really want "that" one back now,
did you?>Well, Stacey had to go and stick it *into* someone, and it
>got all icky, so I had to go out and get a new one. ;->Thanks Tara. Promise, won't happen again.
Stacey O laughing at myself saying YEAH, RIGHT!
-55- (366471087) Big wheel o' replies...
Subject: Re: Chris Carter - you should be ashamed
Date: 27 Jun 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesMichelle Topham
wrote a very
bad header that I do not much care for..... hang on folks,
lookin for my big wheel of replies here...... ok got it....Bite me.
There now. I feel better. :)
Stacey O
-56- (366501417) Flags...
Subject: Re: X-Files Movie -- a good story that doesn't translate well
Date: 27 Jun 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesCindy
>Carterconn wrote:
>> Cindywrote: >> > I do have Eric, Sally, and my titles
>> >scribbled down somewhere though.>> You have a title, I don't have no freakin title!
>You assign it to yourself. Here are the ones that I have:
>Eric: Associate Vice Under Secretary for Cranial Compression
>and Waste Remediation
>Lady Sally: Chairman of the Committee for the Reformation,
>Education, and Protection of Lost Newbies with a Minimum
>of 1/4 Clue
>Cindy: Ambassador of Contradictory Half-Truths and PrevaricationHmmm. OK. Got it. I shall be the official flag raiser "so to speak" ;)
>> >btw, where have you been? We've missed you! :-P
>> Sadly a must participate once in a while, in this thing ppl call RL.
>>Ugh! I will be checking in and out ;) of fantasy land over the next
>>week or so.>Oh, that. I've heard of that. I must try it someday. ;-)
NO! Stay where you are!!!
It sucks out there.
Stacey O
-57- (370437197) Trolls...
Subject: Re: Al is an evil troll and other ramblings
Date: 11 Jul 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesHey all! Going out of town, again, but had to stop in to see
how all was goin and ......OJ wrote:
>You need to go to alt.tv.x-files.analysis for intelligent, on-topc
>articles.So OJ how come you don't stay there? I hoped, I prayed......
>All you'll get here is newbie bashing, discussions about:
>Scully's make-up,So what color lipstick was she wearing?
> what brand of cigarettes Gillian Anderson smokes,
Uh, shouldn't that be in the FAQ by now? I thought we settled that.
Morley's.> in
>what way should Skinner, Mulder and Krycek have a threesome,Anyway you want.
>did Scully look at Mulder's ass,
> insult trading,
Why OJ, what ever gave you that idea?
> demands for apologies,
>spelling corrections,
Why does Mouldy tape that X in the window?
> whining, counter-whining, anti-counter-whining,
>false accusations of RL stalking,Hmmm. Seems to describe a certain someone....
> gizzie worship,
Hail Gizzie!
> little sly insider
> cliquishness,
OJ's pet peeve. And it's only cause no one wants him in their clique.
>anti-cliquishness, Tea Leoni, Oprah,
>Letterman, Leno, SNL, what's your favorite ep, what's your favorite
>Mulder one-liner, stiletto heels, acronyms, SundaeGirls, SundaeBoys,
>SundaeHermaphrodites, SundaeTransexuals and their various
>hangers-on and wannabes,blahbahblah.......
>how sexy Chris Carter is,
That he is!
>how sexist Chris Carter is,
He can have sex, I mean be sexist with me all he wants. ;)
>how would you do Chris Carter if given the chance
Now I am dying to find out what I have been missing while I have been
gone. Well, since it was brought up........Oh wait I need my winky thing ;)
Now OJ, I know you are familiar with winky things.
>and questions that
>drive Al Ruffinelli crazy.Yeah like one from OJ.
Stacey O who's off to find that thread about what I would do with CC
before I go again and to find out what moron started this thread.
-58- (370601743) WUDEC...
Subject: Re: Chris Carter... Rogaine user?
Date: 12 Jul 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-files"deb...or whatever"
>Carterconn wrote:>> C'Mon Deb. What's with this subject title?
>Jeepers! You HAVE been gone a while, haven't you?
>Welcome Home!
Not so fast - I am leaving again :( I was supposed to go today but
now I am going tom. I won't be back until maybe August and while I
am gone, everybody had better behave when it comes to my guy! ;D>> Don't be pickin on my guy like that. :(
>My dear, you know it's a joke,
I know ;D I was just messin with you ;)
> I know it's a joke,
>but ... well, it's just too much fun to nudge people.
>I'll go stand in my corner now... :-(Ok you can come out now. Just don't do it again!!! ;D
>(and did you see the Mark Snow ones? Or the Viagra one?)
No. There are about a billion messages I haven't read. Should I be
;)>> Now didn't I pick you up from the airport in the middle of the night
>> and drive you all the way downtown and get you all liquored up? ;)>lol! I was JUST thinking of that! I've FINALLY gotten around
>to cleaning up the WUDEC pages, and spent some fair amount
>of time paging through my memories. (foggy as they are.)
>Giggling, remembering standing at the Midway.LOL! You ARE foggy girl! It was OHare! ;)
> Suitcase full
>of Bees, Praying Mantis, and Peeps, looking for someone
>I've never met before and had NO clue as to what she looked like!I picked you out with those colorful pants of yours! ;D
>Too funny! And... I did do a shot of Tequila, didn't I? Erk!
I think I tried shoving a little down everyones throats! Except for
Sandi who does vodka.>Of all the things that stick out about that weekend,
>besides Coz, [pun intended thankyouverymuch] is meeting
>at the Airport, and Heidi, flying down the hallway, screaming,>"YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT THE PACKAGE FIRST
>THING IN THE MORNING!">I mean the Peeps and the Slash!Barbies were *good*, but...
>that was how I meet Heidi. Classic, very classic.>So, now I sit in front of the monitor, leafing through
>the memories and I'm thinking... hmmm... I finally have
>5 days off in September... What's Chicago like in the Fall? *g*>Anyone care for a WUDEC Redux and a meeting of the
>Coz Estrogen Brigade?>WUDEC 3: A Schwing and a Miss.
Awww. No fair. I won't be there! :(
Stacey O
-59- (379320212) Trolls...
Subject: Re: Salaries
Date: 09 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesOJ wrote:
>Carterconn (not sure what her real name is)
I try to hide it but since I feel generous today, I'll share.
It's Stacey.
>started calling me "OJ",
>since my initials are JO. I believe she was trying to imply that I am
>as controlling and menacing as OJ Simpson.BTW, you left out psychopath in denial.
Stacey O
-60- (379322932) Flags...
Subject: Re: movie discussion
Date: 09 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filestarac@erols.com (Tara Charnow) wrote:
>carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn) wrote:
>>John Bender wrote:>>>Jeez, you're a real bastard, aren't ya?
>>I've been trying real hard. I'm a bit lost without my flag
>>though. Tara's gonna be pissed when she finds out that
>>I need yet another one. I sure as hell don't want to reuse
>>it, if ya know what I mean. ;)>I'll just have to buy you a flag *dispenser* won't I? And, it's not
>the flags that you like so much, it's those shovable poles. ;-PYEEEEHAAAA!!! My very own flag dispenser!
Stacey O
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This website was done by: Emile St.Claire, Nancy Black, and deb...
In memory of Stacey
web site comments to stacey_carterconn@yahoo.com