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-61- (381595331) Dirty Skinner...
Subject: Re: Skinner's Middle Name
Date: 16 Aug 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filestarac@erols.com (Tara Charnow) wrote:
>carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn) wrote:
>>"Palmer"wrote: >>>Hey all. What's up? Nothing here- eagerly awaiting the
>>>season premiere (have a long way to go)! Anyway, my
>>>question is, what is Skinner's Middle Name?? I believe
>>>that it starts with an S, but am VERY curious. Please
>>>e-mail me back at foxsteele@hotmail.com Thanx everybody!>>Skinner's middle name is "Dirty".
>Dirty As Hell, you mean. ;-P
Oh, allright. Fine give them his full middle name! Go ahead, take
away from my fun! ;)Stacey O
-62- (397254391) Flags...
Subject: Re: The XF Disenchantment Society
Date: 03 Oct 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesMelody
wrote: >Then so be it. I'd rather be a troll than a sycophant.
>Some of us happen to appreciate continuity and un cliched
>writing the show used to have. Chris Carter is turning this
>show in to a *WILL THEY OR WON'T THEY*
>paranormal soap and you pro season 5ers may be in the
>majority but not for long.Allright! Thats' it.
Proportional or fixed, enjoy!
|___|Stacey O
-63- (397275152) General fun...
Subject: Re: X-Files
Date: 03 Oct 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesDavid
>Carterconn wrote:
>> Davidwrote:
>> >Carterconn wrote:
>> >> Melodywrote: >> >> >This newsgroup should be renamed to
>> >> >ALT.TV.XFILESSHRINE>> >> Know what? You are right. You can be our first sacrifice.
>> >> Stacey O
>> >But is she a virgin?
>> I really don't think it matters in this case. A sacrifice is a sacrifice!
>> Stacey O
>I heard virgin sacrifices are better.
I am assuming that Melody is NOT a virgin since she is so worldly.
So I will tell ya what! To be safe lets do a two for one non virgin
sacrifice. That should even it out. Now where's Harriet at........Stacey O
-64- (400708134) CC...
Subject: Happy Birthday Big Guy!!!
Date: 13 Oct 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.com (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesHappy Birthday Chris Carter!!!
In honor of this special occasion, I am posting a "prayer" from the cult
written by fellow student of denial Angel."The Lord's Prayer - X-Phile Style"
Our Father,
who art in L.A.
Carter be thy name
Thy aliens come
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in Mythology
Give us this day our daily truths
And forgive us our trespasses
as we will shoot those
who trespass against us
And lead us not into skepticism
But deliver us from cloning
For thyne is the X-Files
In untrusting denial
Forever in paranoiaAmen
Best Wishes,
Stacey O and The Carter Cult
The Chris Carter Home Page / The Carter Connection
http://members.aol.com/carterconn/index.htm====== Paranoia... It's a good thing! ======
-65- (415680192) CC...
Subject: Re: I *can't* be the only one...
Date: 25 Nov 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.comxxxxxxxx (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-fileslaura capozzola
>Carterconn wrote:>> How about this one - if Mulder was dreaming, shouldn't it have
>> been black and white?>> Stacey O
>Stace, you dream in black and white? I guessing no split screens or
>music, either. ;-DI can never remember if I dream in black and white or color. I've
just heard that ppl dream in B&W. I do know there must be split
screens and music. AND there is always some guy surfin in all my
dreams ;DAnd hes nekkid! ;D
Stacey O
-66- (416426623) General fun...
Subject: Re: Who is more famous?
Date: 28 Nov 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.comxxxxxxxx (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesI just wanted to say that this particular thread sucks.
I now return back to your regularly scheduled newsgroup.
Stacey O
-67- (416573505) Chris Owens (who gave a toast to Stacey at the Xeminar)...
Subject: Re: Chris Owens vs. Jeffrey Spender
Date: 28 Nov 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.comxxxxxxxx (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-files>"Angela M. Gulick"
>I see a lot of Jeffrey Spender bashing on this newsgroups
>and rightly so. However, I do think that the acting of Chris
>Owens is what makes us hate Spender so. I found out by
>accident that it was Chris Owens who was also the one
>behind all the makeup and bumps and two mouths of Mr.
>Mutato. Mr. Mutato's soliloquy at the end of that episode
>still breaks my heart, and his joyous dancing at seeing his
>"dream girl" singing to him is wonderful. For all Jeffrey
>Spender's ickiness, Chris Owens' Mr. Mutato/Young
>Cancer Man/Jeffrey Spender versatility deserves praise,
>I think.I think most here feel the same way. Don't take to heart much of
the Spender bashing. Most of us can distinguish between the
character and the actor. Chris Owens is a class act and a pretty
damn good actor.Stacey O
-68- (418688180) General fun...
Subject: Re: ATXF Christmas Letters
Date: 04 Dec 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.comxxxxxxxx (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-fileslaura capozzola
>Carterconn wrote:>> I want my CC cameo. Sauna and/or shower scene. Nekkid, of
>>course :)>> I want it PROVEN that Skinner is as dirty as I say he is.
>> I want 3 more wishes ;D
>> Stacey O
>Dear Stacey:
>I WANT! I WANT! I WANT! Jeez Louise. You want clean
>CC and dirty Skinner? AND three more wishes! That last one
>is as old as the mirror scene. Go over there behind Rudolph with
>the pooper scooper and think about PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!
>instead of three I WANT's.Jeez Louise is right! I get the pooper scooper while everyone else gets
to go stand in the corner!?!?!??! WHERE"S THE JUSTICE IN
THAT?!?!?!? Oh, I forgot, you work for the government don't you?
;D Okay, okay, I'm goin....Stacey O draggin her heels and poutin.....
Okay done, now let's try this again....
Dear oh great and powerful Santa's Little Helper,
Please oh please oh please can I have a CC cameo? Sauna and/or
shower scene. I also think that keeping with the theme of Christmas he
should donate all his clothing to the homeless, of course this would
require him to appear nekkid, but I think it is for a good cause. ;)And please, pretty please with Krycek on top can I pretty please have
it proven that Skinner is as dirty as I say?And because I am such a caring, giving individual, I am giving - that's
right GIVING away my last wish for a much needier ATXF'r.Please forgive me for the error of my ways. I promise to be a more
caring ATXF'r from now on.Stacey O
-69- (418963979) General fun...
Subject: Re: ATXF Christmas Letters
Date: 05 Dec 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.comxxxxxxxx (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesSanta's "Grumpy" Little Helper wrote:
>Carterconn wrote:
>> >Dear Stacey:>> >I WANT! I WANT! I WANT! Jeez Louise. You want clean
>> >CC and dirty Skinner? AND three more wishes! That last one
>> >is as old as the mirror scene. Go over there behind Rudolph
>> >with the pooper scooper and think about PLEASE! PLEASE!
>> >PLEASE! instead of three I WANT's.>> Jeez Louise is right! I get the pooper scooper while everyone else
>> gets to go stand in the corner!?!?!??! WHERE"S THE JUSTICE
>> IN THAT?!?!?!?>Dear Stacey-
>Santa's Little Helper REALLLLLLLLY hates whiners. Santa's Little
> Helper even sent you an assistant ATXF reindeer pooper scooper
>but are you happy? Nooooooooo. Santa thinks you've been reading
>too many DD interviews. Now get back to work and let me hear a
>chorus of "Let It Snow!" while you ponder how this whining has
>negatively impacted your Christmas Wish realization.UGH! Try to kiss up and what do I get?
Big piles of manure....
Sure. Fine. Whatever.
Off to do my grunt work.......
Oh the affair was so frightful
But Mulder was so delightful
And Kirsh's secretary was a ho
What a ho! what a ho! what a ho!STOP THE MUSIC! That just doesn't seem to be within the Christmas spirit mode of things. Let me try again.....
Oh the alien rebels are frightful
But Chris Carter's so delightful
with the writers all in tow
What a show! What a show! What a show!It doesn't show signs of stopping
And I've bought some corn oil for infecting
The bees are all set to go
Let em go! Let em go! Let em go!;D Okay Santas helper may be givin us big piles of manure, but she
didn't say we couldn't have fun with it!Any of my fellow grunt workers want to take a stab at finishing off the
song?Stacey O
bein punished ain't so bad ;D SO THERE!
-70- (422767986) General fun...
Subject: OT - Merry X-Mas!
Date: 16 Dec 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.comxxxxxxxx (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesHere's my X-Mas mailing. I wanted to post it incase I missed anyone.
AND I KNOW I did! You know how us slackers are! ;DMy annual Christmas greeting is on display at...
For those of you who know me from last year - okay I admit it - it's
;D I've been sick, gimme a break ;DAnyway, I just wanted to wish everyone a fantastic holiday!
Here's a few links to get you into the spirit...
Sick of that partridge song? Outsing others with this...
http://www.iwaynet.net/~stephnsn/humor/ruef01.txtFun X-Mas stuff ....
Here's my "sad" attempt at getting a sing a long goin over at ATXF ;D
Oh the affair was so frightful
But Mulder was so delightful
And Kirsh's secretary was a ho
What a ho! What a ho! What a ho!STOP THE MUSIC! That just doesn't seem to be within the Christmas spirit mode
of things. Let me try again.....Oh the alien rebels are frightful
But Chris Carter's so delightful
with the writers all in tow
What a show! What a show! What a show!It doesn't show signs of stopping
And I've bought some corn oil for infecting
The bees are all set to go
Let em go! Let em go! Let em go!HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
Stacey O
The Chris Carter Home Page / The Carter Connection
http://members.aol.com/carterconn/index.htm====== Paranoia... It's a good thing! ======
-71- (422776274) Flags...
Subject: Re: Carter on Crack?
Date: 16 Dec 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.comxxxxxxxx (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesraxx_gratis@my-dejanews.com wrote some very bad stuff.
What are you? Proportional or fixed?
|___|Stacey O
-72- (422776275) Stacey's last post :(
Subject: Re: Happy Hanukkah!
Date: 16 Dec 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.comxxxxxxxx (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-fileslaura capozzola
wrote: >Happy Hanukkah to our Jewish ATXFers!
Oh Jeez! How could I forget!
Happy Hanukkah everyone!!!
Stacey O
-73- (423515891) The bad news
Subject: The Carter Connection
Date: 18 Dec 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.comxxxxxxxx (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesFor anyone who doesnt know, Stacey, the runner of the
Carter Connection, my mother passed away on 12/17/98
at 10 25 AM. I dont know too much about news groups
or the Xfiles, i just know that my mother loved it, I guess
you could say it was her passion, and I just want to let all
her friends know that I appreciate all of her friends and fellow
xfile lovers. she will be greatly missed.
-74- (423940819)
Subject: A Thank you to all of staceys friends
Date: 19 Dec 1998 00:00:00 GMT
From: carterconn@aol.comxxxxxxxx (Carterconn)
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-filesStacey's family wishes to thank everyone for there sympathy's
recieved from all her friends on AOL. Should you wish to
remember her, you can make a donation to the LifePath
Hospice Foundation. This is for patient care, children's grief
services, and education, and research in end-of-life care. This is
something she believed in, and caried it out in her life, as well as
her death.The address to LifePath is:
LifePath Hospice Foundation
3010 West Azeele Street
Tampa, FL 33609-3130Thank You
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This website was done by: Emile St.Claire, Nancy Black, and deb...
In memory of Stacey
web site comments to stacey_carterconn@yahoo.com